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  2. A-STEP
  3. Find an ASTEP Introductory Course Provider

Directory of Intro to Sleep Medicine for Technologists Accredited Course Providers

Find an ASTEP Accredited Course Provider in your state.

  1. Visit the ASTEP Website: Open your web browser and go to https://astep.aasm.org/.

  2. Scroll to the Bottom: Go to "Quick Links".

  3. Click the Link: "Directory of ASTEP Providers". 

  4. Browse the Directory: The directory will contain a list of ASTEP Intro to Sleep Medicine for Technologist Accredited Course Providers in your area. Travel will be required if there is no accredited course provider in your area. 

If you have trouble navigating the site or need further assistance, contact the ASTEP Support Team by CHAT, phone 630-7347-9770 (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CT), or email astep@aasm.org.