Where to locate a receipt for an AASM membership payment

Where to locate a receipt for an AASM membership payment

Log into your AASM account by selecting the following link, https://members.aasm.org/Site/rise/Contacts/Sign_In.aspx?LoginRedirect=true&returnurl=%2f


Once logged into your AASM account, locate your name at the top right of the website, select your name and drop down to my account. 


Next  select the purchase history tab, located to the left of your my account page.


Scroll down to the invoice section, your current membership receipt will be located under the invoice section labeled CASH- followed by a six digit member ID number. Select the CASH invoice. The next screen after selecting CASH will take you to the invoice summary, if you need to print your invoice tab over to print.


*The legacy receipt section will contain membership receipts up to year 2022*