Frequently asked question related to administering your organization and account.
Where can I find my Network Accreditation number?
Go to and log in. Note: You must log in with an account that has company admin privileges over your AASM accredited network. Once logged into “My Account” click the “My Network” tab. Find your network and copy the number next to “Accreditation #”.
When are we expected to merge or consolidate our individual Sleep ISR site accounts into one master Network Sleep ISR account?
If your Network currently has multiple Sleep ISR accounts for each location, you will need to create a Network Sleep ISR account before the expiration of the Sleep ISR account that expires first. You can do this through the "Set up your new Sleep ISR plan" wizard. The first step in the wizard asks you to select which Sleep ISR accounts you would like to merge/consolidate into the new Network account you are setting up. By default, all are selected, but you can make your selection. Any accounts you choose to be merged that have not expired will receive a prorated refund credit for the remaining time in the subscription. You will see this calculated amount under the "Refunds/Credits" section on the wizard's " Finalize " step. This "refund credit" will automatically be applied to your next invoice.
Can we keep separate Sleep ISR accounts for each site in our AASM accredited network?
No. Starting in 2025, all AASM accredited networks will consolidate each of the Sleep ISR site accounts into a single Sleep ISR account representing the accredited network. This process aligns with the 2025 AASM Network Accreditation standards. Setting up your Network account happens through the "Set up your new Sleep ISR plan" wizard on the Manage Subscription Plan page.
If sleep staff work at multiple sites, must they complete a separate Sleep ISR record for each site?
No, to receive the monthly Sleep ISR results, your sleep staff must be invited and linked as active members of the site's account. Each linked staff member will submit one record per month, and the results will be shared with all connected Network accounts.
How do we give sleep staff access to our Sleep ISR account?
To add sleep staff, navigate to Manage > Users and click the “Invite Users” button in the upper right. You will then be prompted to enter the email address of the user(s) and select their permissions. At the end an email with instructions will be sent to the user(s) which contains a link they will need to click to accept the invite to link up their account.
How do I assign staff as Practice Scorers?
Users scoring Sleep ISR records must be assigned a "Full Scorer" license. Suppose you would like some users to "practice" scoring on records that do not count towards your organization's overall average. In that case, they can do so by scoring records in the "Archived Records" library or by going through the Sleep Scoring Course. Both are excellent training resources for new scorers and are available on the Premium Plan.
How do I approve sleep staff that have linked to my account?
When an Admin user invites a new staff member to the Network account, the new user is approved upon entering their Hire Date in the “Invite Details” screen. A red text alert will appear on the Account home page noting that "[User Name] has successfully linked their scoring account to [Center/Account name]".
How do we remove sleep staff from our Sleep ISR account?
To remove sleep staff, navigate to Manage > Users and click the "REMOVE USER" icon next to their name. They will be deleted from the account, and their monthly record results will no longer be received, though their scoring history will remain accessible under "Reports."
How do we purchase additional seats (licenses) for our account?
To purchase additional seats, navigate to Manage > Subscription Plan. Click “Change Plan” to access the billing portal and update the number of user licenses. This is only available for accounts with automatic credit card payments. If you require an invoice for payment, contact the Sleep ISR helpdesk by CHAT, email at, or calling 630-737-9765 Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. CT.