Sleep ISR FAQ - Payment Information

Frequently asked questions related to Sleep ISR subscription plans, invoices and payments.

What is the duration of the free trial, and how many records are included?

The free trial lasts for 14 days and provides access to records based on your selected plan. The basic trial includes either one archived adult record or one pediatric record, while the premium trial includes both types of records.

Do you accept Purchase Orders for payment?

No, but customers can generate an invoice with their internal PO number for reference. AASM only accepts payment by check, bank transfer or credit card.

How long does my organization have to pay a Sleep ISR invoice?

Invoices are due net 30-days.

How will the Sleep ISR credit card charge appear in my statement?

“AASM Sleep ISR” will appear on your credit card statement for purchases made via

I have purchased credit bundles to access the Sleep ISR records and have a balance available, how will the credits be applied to the new subscription?

Your remaining credits will be applied toward your new Sleep ISR subscription plan.

Can payment be made by check, credit card, purchase order or wire transfer to the AASM?

Payment can be completed by check, credit card or wire transfer to the AASM. Payment can be completed online, by fax or mail with a check or credit card. Note, there is a $30 charge for international wire transfers. Unfortunately, the AASM is unable to accept Purchase Orders as payment for Sleep ISR.