Sleep ISR FAQ - Personal Account Settings

Frequently asked questions regarding Sleep ISR personal account settings

I already have an existing Sleep ISR account. Do I need to create a new one when I’m invited to a Sleep ISR Network Account?

No, retain your existing Sleep ISR account by selecting the Login rather than the Register option.

I've previously used Sleep ISR when scoring for my lab. Now, I'd like to purchase a subscription just for myself, but it says my plan is "managed by your account administrator". How do I set up a subscription myself?

Go to Manage > Subscription page. Click the link in this sentence at the bottom: "To create a brand-new organization/account with its own plan that is separate from your current account, you can do so here". This link will allow you to create a "Starter" subscription plan.

How do I change my password?

To change your password, navigate to Manage > Personal Settings > Password. Enter your Current Password, New Password, and Confirm New Password, then click the SAVE button.

How do I make changes and/or updates to my personal information?

To change your personal information, navigate to Manage > Personal Settings > Scroll down> click the EDIT button. Update the required fields > click the SAVE button.

How do I change and/or update the first and last name on my account?

Name change requests MUST be submitted in writing to with the following information:
  1. First and Last Name as listed on your account.
  2. Email address listed on your account for verification.
  3. New name (first or last) to be updated.

Where can I find my Continuing Education (CE) Credit Certificates?

CE Credit Certificates are accessible by navigating to Scoring > CE Credits > click PRINT CERTIFICATE link for individual CE certificates or click PRINT TRANSCRIPT button for a complete list of all earned CE Certificates.

Where can I find the Course ID # and the date the CE was earned on my Sleep ISR CEC/CME Certificate?

The Course ID # and the date the CE was earned are located at the bottom of each certificate, highlighted and circled as shown in this example:

Where can I find the Course ID # and the date the CE was earned on my Sleep ISR CEC/CME Transcript?

The Course ID # for each earned CE is under the 'Program Number’ column. The date the CE was earned is located below the record’s title, as highlighted and marked in this example: