Sleep ISR FAQ - Scorer Tips

Frequently asked questions related to scorer users

Scorer Account Registration

How do I register my individual account for Sleep ISR?

Complete the registration form for Sleep ISR at

My facility sent me an invitation to setup/link my account. How do I setup/link my account to the facility?

Follow the instructions for “New” or “Existing” scorers received in the invitation email from your facility. Your account status will be pending confirmation until approved by the facility administrator. Once approved, you can begin scoring the available records.

I work at multiple facilities, do need a separate Sleep ISR account linked to each facility?

No, your Sleep ISR scorer account is your single use account for all facilities that you score. To link your account to the facilities that you score, follow the instructions in Facilities under My Account. You will need to enter the unique access code received by email from your facility administrator.

I have linked my scoring account to my facility, but I can’t score any records. Why

It’s possible that your administrator has not yet approved you as a scorer for the facility. Notify your administrator to update your status.


Scoring a Record

Do I need to complete a record from start to finish, or can I leave and come back

You can leave and come back to a record. However, you must complete a record before it expires, or your results will be submitted based on the portion of the record that you have completed. Records will expire three months following their release. Once they have expired, records are available as an archive resource. Archive resources do not provide continuing education credits and are not included in compliance records.

I missed a record and it is no longer displaying on my Dashboard. How do I access the missed record?

All records expire three months following their release. Any unopened records are automatically deleted from the scorer Dashboard on the expiration date. Once a record has expired, it is available as an archive resource. Archive resources do not provide continuing education credits and are not included in compliance records. Please contact your facility administrator to view their policy for “making-up” a missed Sleep ISR record in house.

I did not complete the record prior to expiration and show a failing grade. Can I have the record re-opened to complete scoring?

No, all records expire three months following their release. Any uncompleted records are automatically closed and graded on the expiration date. The scores received will be the scorer's results for that record month. Once a record has expired, it is available as an archive resource. Archive resources do not provide continuing education credits and are not included in compliance records. Please contact your facility administrator to view their policy for “making-up” a missed Sleep ISR record in house.

How long should it take to score each record?

The length of time it takes to score all 200 epochs included in the record will depend on the scorer. It should take no more than two hours; experienced scorers may be able to complete the record in less than half an hour.

Can I re-score a record if I did poorly or did not complete all questions?

No. For the purposes of maintaining compliance with Standards for Accreditation, Sleep ISR allows individuals to take each month’s record only once.


My Account

I need to make changes to my name, degree and contact information; how do I update my scorer account?

Sleep ISR scorers can change their personal information from the account settings page of the user dashboard.

I forgot my username and password; how do I retrieve them?

From the Sleep ISR login page a scorer can request an email containing their username and password. Sleep ISR scorers can change their password from the account settings page.

How can I change my password?

Sleep ISR scorers can change their password from the account settings page on their dashboard.

How do I select Continuing Educations (CE) credits I wish to claim?

From My Account – Profiles select the type of CE you wish to claim. CME for Physicians or CEC for technologists.

I have locked myself out of my Sleep ISR account. How do I reset my access?

There is no need to reset your access, the system automatically resets the counter at noon and midnight each day. If it is between those hours and you still need access contact the Sleep ISR Helpdesk at 630-737-9765 or email to have and early reset on the counter.